Revisionist History
The History of Eugenics and The Racial Integrity Act of 1924;
Walter Plecker was a prominent figure in Virginia’s Bureau of Vital Statistics during the early 20th century, and he is known for his efforts to enforce strict racial segregation and prevent what he saw as racial mixing between African Americans and Native Americans. Plecker believed that the so-called “Black Indians,” who were people of mixed African and Native American ancestry, posed a threat to the system of racial segregation that he was trying to enforce. He therefore worked to have these individuals classified as either “Negro” or “Colored” on their official birth and death certificates, which effectively erased their Native American heritage and subjected them to the same laws and restrictions as other African Americans. If we look at how, when, and where certain words have come into existence, let’s examine the word “black, as introduced by President Lincoln”
President Abraham
“I am not, nor ever have been in favor of making black people voters or jurors or politicians or marriage partners. There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together In terms of social and political equality; and
in as much as they cannot live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior vs. inferior. And I, like any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race.
Abraham Lincoln
Chicago, Illinois
Senatorial Debate
Another interesting fact is the interchanging of the word Negroe and Slave. One would assume that all Negroes were slaves, but check out the Negro Act of 1740, where it says “all Negroes or other slaves……….
Negro Act of 1740:
“The comprehensive Negro Act of 1740 passed in South Carolina made it
illegal for slaves to move abroad, assemble in groups, raise food, earn
money, and learn to write English (though reading was not proscribed).
Additionally, owners were permitted to kill rebellious slaves if necessary.” July 10th, 1858 Act of 1664: An act concerning Negroes and other slaves (Maryland):
Be it enacted by the Right Honorable the Lord Proprietary by the advice and consent of the upper and the lower house of this present General Assembly, that……………… “all Negroes or other slaves………….” already within the province, and all Negroes and other slaves to be hereafter imported into the province, shall serve durante vita [hard labor for life]. And all children born of any Negro or other slave shall be slaves as their fathers were, for the term of their lives. And for as much as divers freeborn English women, forgetful of their free condition and to the disgrace of our nation, marry Negro slaves, by which also divers suits may arise touching the issue of such women and great damage befalls the masters of such Negroes for prevention whereof, for deterring such freeborn women from such shameful matches; Be it further enacted by the authority, advise, and consent aforesaid that whatsoever freeborn woman shall marry any slave from and after the last day of this present Assembly shall serve the master of such slave during the life of her husband and that all the issue [children] of such freeborn women so married shall be slaves as their fathers were.
And be it further enacted, that all the issues [children] of English or other freeborn women that have already married Negroes shall serve the masters of their parents till they are thirty years of age and no longer.
Plecker’s actions were part of a larger effort by white supremacists in the South to enforce strict racial categories and maintain white supremacy. While his efforts were successful in the short term, they have been widely criticized as both unjust and unscientific, and they have been condemned by many modern scholars and activists who advocate for greater recognition and respect for the cultural and racial diversity of the American population. It is because of Walter Pleckers work, black Indians lost their status, culture, nationality, lands.
Nevertheless, did you know that over 83% of all Americans with African ancestry have Native American blood, but a recent study claims that is not true. According to the study, only 4% of all Americans with African ancestry have Native American blood even though Genomic (chromosome) evidence indicates the Amerindian Gene B, C, and D are descended from African females before they migrated out of Africa 40,000 years ago.
We know that from time of Columbus along with the participation of his Brother Bartholomew, Native Americans were shipped to Europe, to various parts of Turtle Island were enslaved, and Native Americans, according to the figures above, many more slaving companies would have to be in the business of human trafficking annually to come up with the numbers of actually transported, but the published material lists only three (3) major companies that dealt in the slave trade and were given a 31 year monopoly by the British Government.
The Royal Adventurer later was named the Royal African Company, so it was one in the same company. Independent companies engaged in slave trade, but there were only three (3) main companies engaged in human trafficking. The Guinea Company at its height had 15 ships from 1618 – 1650. The Guinea Company also dealt in gold, dyes, and other things other than just the human trafficking of slaves. British, French, Dutch, and Danish participated in human trafficking. Statistics have not taken into consideration the Portuguese ships that sailed at the time, but from what is out there, the Portuguese and Spanish transported 81,000 slaves to the Americas.
Following is a table from “Slave Statistics” by Hugh Thomas published in 1997 by Simon and Schuster. After 20 years the Royal Adventurer with its 15 ships had transported between 90,000 and 100,000 slaves. So exactly where does the 12,000,000 million slaves who were supposedly brought to the Americas. That is a lot of slaves not accounted for. Or is/was the Black/Brown birthrate that more accelerated than the White birthrate? The calculated median of 12 million. Divide it by 400 people—the largest slave vessels. That comes out to 30,000 trips. Records exist for 35,000 voyages.
The statistics state only .05% or 1/2 of 1% of all Indigenous people of North and South Americans are in existence as a result of Christopher Columbus and his European travelers’ conquests. Based on religious impositions and the ‘savage’ nature of the natives, ninety-five (95%) percent were massacred and/or killed by Columbus and his European crews shortly after 1492.
In revising his’story what they forgot to mention is at the time 600,000 melinated slaves brought over from Africa, as indentured servants/slaves outnumbered black slaves two-one. These indentured servants were called slavs. The term “Slav” refers to an ethnic group of people who speak Slavic languages and share a common cultural and historical heritage. The Slavic people are primarily located in Eastern Europe, but also in parts of Central Europe and the Balkans. They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America by Michael A. Hoffman II. A Must Read.
Did you know there were cases in the early colonial period where some ‘enslaved Africans’ owned indentured servants, including those of Slavic descent. The case involves an indentured servant in the colony of Virginia. Anthony Johnson is one such example, where Johnson, had become a successful tobacco farmer in Virginia, sued in court to have one of his indentured servants, a man named John Casor, returned to him after Casor tried to leave his service. The court ultimately ruled in Johnson’s favor, effectively establishing the first legal precedent for slavery in the English colonies of North America. The case has been cited as an example of how the institution of slavery in America was initially shaped by a complex system of racial and economic hierarchies, rather than a simple dichotomy between white indentured servants and black indentured servants.