Lawful Status

Lawful Status


Nevertheless, our/story does not end with the lie of ‘slavery’ taught in his’story books. We are federally acknowledged with supporting documentation from the Authentication office for The U. S. Department of State annexed on behalf of The United States, authenticated documents, instruments and text regarding the Guale, Yamassee, Mechica, Creek, Seminole, Shushuni, Washitaw, Comanche et, al; regarding “The Hague Convention for Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents,” TIAS 10072; 33 U.S.T. 883, 527 U.N.T.S. 189. b. 28 U.S.C. 1739; (Federal Rules of Civil Procedure) and Rule 902 (Federal Rules of Evidence). On October 12, 2004, our nation also received a written confirmation, reference from the Authentication office stating in part … “the statement on our certificates “full faith and credit” is in acknowledgment of the States certificate to the document, and has sufficient legal value through State and Federal levels for use in other countries and in this country.

The Autochthon Kingdom Royal Supreme Court of Indian Offenses Equity Court, serving as a protector of fundamental principles such as jus soli, jus sanguinis, jus divinum, and jus gentium, underscores the urgent need for the current government to honor and respect treaties. This emphasis is particularly crucial for Autochthon Indigenous nations across the Americas, who are encouraged to exercise the doctrine necessitating the exhaustion of tribal judicial authority, given the lack of suitable equitable remedies within the existing framework.

Each of these principles plays a vital role:

Jus soli (right of soil) refers to the right of anyone born in the territory of a state to nationality or citizenship.
Jus sanguinis (right of blood) is the right of citizenship or nationality based on the nationality or ethnicity of one or both parents.
Jus divinum (divine right) denotes rights that are believed to be granted by divine power, often implying historical and spiritual legitimacy.
Jus gentium (law of nations) involves principles and rules that govern the conduct of sovereign states in their relationships with one another.

By focusing on these doctrines, the Autochthon Kingdom emphasizes the importance of utilizing all available tribal equitable pathways to seek justice and address grievances. We urge the responsible authorities to proactively engage in restoring justice and rectifying past injustices without waiting for demands. Failure to act accordingly is not just an oversight but a willful continuation of injustice. Proactive acknowledgment, restoration, and accountability are essential to forge a path toward peaceful and just relations, deeply rooted in mutual respect and understanding.

“In 2024, the Court is committed to broadening its reach and impact by not only formally recording its declarations but also through active participation in public dialogue. This engagement will utilize diverse channels such as specialized programming, informative podcasts, and events, all centered around key areas including peace education, the history of autochthon indigenous peoples, and forums on digital equity. Integral to the Court’s mission is the enforcement of treaty peace obligations, which encompass crucial legal principles as outlined in the provided text:

Abstention from Injury: Every individual is obligated to refrain from harming another person or their property, or infringing upon their rights. This principle forms the foundation of our commitment to non-violence and respect for individual sovereignty.

Fraudulent Deceit: The Court acknowledges the responsibility of individuals and entities who engage in deceitful practices, whether through false statements, suppression of facts, or promises made without the intention of fulfillment. These deceitful practices, especially when intended to defraud the public or a specific group, are recognized as harmful to the entire class affected.

Restoration without Demand: Emphasizing the importance of rectifying wrongs, the Court upholds the principle that things obtained wrongfully must be restored without the need for a demand, especially in cases of mutual mistake or deceit.

Responsibility for Willful Acts and Negligence: The Court maintains that every individual is accountable for the consequences of their willful actions and for any harm caused by their lack of ordinary care or skill. This principle extends to the management of both property and personal conduct.

These principles reinforce our dedication to upholding justice, ensuring the restoration of rights, and addressing grievances in a manner that respects the dignity and rights of all autochthon indigenous peoples. Our 2024 Plan of Action is a step forward in this significant journey, guided by these fundamental obligations imposed by law.”

The Authentications Office authenticates a variety of documents from commercial organizations, private citizens, and officials of Federal and State governments. Documents include, but are not limited to, company by-laws, powers of attorney, trademarks, diplomas, treaties, warrants, extraditions, agreements, certificates of good standing, and courier letters. It will not authenticate documents that are contrary to public policy or are for an improper or unlawful purpose (see 22 CFR 131.1). PART 131—CERTIFICATES OF AUTHENTICATION Title 22: Foreign Relations, All non-judicial records or books kept in any public office of any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States, or copies thereof, shall be proved or admitted in any court or office in any other State, Territory, or Possession by the attestation of the custodian of such records or books, and the seal of his office annexed, if there be a seal, together with a certificate of a judge of a court of record of the county, parish, or district in which such office may be kept, or of the Governor, or secretary of state, the chancellor or keeper of the great seal, of the State, Territory, or Possession that the said attestation is in due form and by the proper officers.